nikos dimitrakas - Knowledge Management (*78) spring 2005 - Learning

Understanding the process of learning

About this project

This web site is a result of a project whithin a course in Knowledge Management at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences as Stockholm University. The specific goal of my part of this assignment has been to investigate the process of learning and try to formalize it on a general level. Furthermore it has been my ambition to capture some kind of model for evaluating and quantifying the results of learning. That is to say provide a measurement of the success of the learning process.

I have chosen not to focus on the technical part of learning (how the brain works and stores information), to rather focus on the more high level process of learning (what activities do we do in an attempt to learn and how do we define learning on that high level).


In order to achieve my goals with this assignment, I have taken the following course of action. The steps below do not necessarily constitute a sequence.

  1. Going through the material produced by other groups working with the subject of Learning during last year's course.
  2. Looking for relevant resources on the internet by searching google and following references. Searching has be done by using a variety of keywords and combinations thereof. Common keywords used: "process of learning", learning techniques", "evaluating learning", "learning and knowledge aquisition".
  3. Considering the information provided during the course in forms of lectures and homepages.
  4. Considering the information acquired from other members of the group and other participants of the course during the seminars.
  5. Combining all the collected information into a graphical model in accordance to the given notation grammar.
  6. Constructing a set of webpages to present the model and other relevant information.
  7. Explaining the model in detail in form of text and links to other resources.